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Inflation-busting pay wins for members
Monaco, Cannes and Antibes: visiting our members!
Members at work
Merchant Navy medal recipient Captain Jerry Mooney reflects on his career and service in training and mentoring deck officers
Nautilus news
NautilusTV: your ultimate maritime channel
General secretary message
Investors in People Gold means better member support
Aguilar-Miranda honoured for diversity and inclusion initiative
Securing you an early retirement
Nautilus news
Reaching a Gold standard: what does it mean for members?
Members at work
An unconventional career: from coffee and tobacco processing to canal lock operator
Members at work
Navigating the Port of Bridgwater with Captain Jessica Tyson
Cunard Line's flirtation with aviation
Nautilus news
5 reasons to Heart your maritime Union
Nautilus news
The history of Nautilus International serialised
Nautilus International urges members to respond to public consultation on Clyde and Hebrides ferry services
Members at work
Frank Broeksma on being a heavylift and cargo vessel master
Nautilus news
Members and staff honoured with Nautilus awards
David Appleton: how we make your voice count
Nautilus news
Supporting members through troubled times
Nautilus news
Words from the wise on how to chart a Just Transition
IMO considers LGBT+ community in gender diversity initiatives
Union hears strength of feeling from members in Isle of Man lifeline ferry service dispute
Members at work
Master Harald Ludwig on his inland waterways experience
Education and training
Member benefits – looking for a training course?
Members at work
Cruise special: What's it like to work in cruise?
Members at work
Retired mooring master Bill Hughes on respecting the sea, fond memories of New Zealand and starting a new business
Nautilus highlights health hassles at TUC women's conference
Marcel van den Broek: hearing from all parts of the Union
Nautilus news
Have your say! Cast your vote for Nautilus Council by 26 April
Battle of the Atlantic 80th anniversary
Nautilus members Heart their Union
Nautilus news
Increase in unpaid wages and unfair dismissal calls to Nautilus emergency helpline
'Outside the box' Christmas negotiations enhance VWH/Spliethoff CBA result
Free will writing service for members moves to new platform
Maritime women invited to 'demand better' at TUC conference
Nautilus news
Increasing income – how Nautilus and its registered charity help seafarers get better pay, benefits, discounts and grants
Nautilus news
Planning pensions – how Nautilus helps members look forward to a secure retirement
Wanted: volunteers to maintain historic tug Brocklebank
Nautilus news
Nautilus adopts campaigns priorities at UK Branch Conference
Nautilus news
Great times on the Great Britain – the 2022 Nautilus UK Branch Conference dinner
Nautilus news
Taking the message to the troops – Nautilus rallies members behind the Just Transition
Health and safety
New manning rules being considered for vessels working European waterways
Nautilus delivers London Living Wage for members with UBTC
Nautilus achieves significant pay uplift for members with Caledonian MacBrayne
Dutch legal column: Nautilus lawyer concludes 20-year Union career
Nautilus news