The UK has kept its risk rating steady for maritime operations in the Strait of Hormuz.
The Warlike Operations Area Committee (WOAC) agreed to downgrade the Strait of Hormuz from a High-Risk Area from November 7.
No changes were made to that threat level at a January 22 meeting in London.
That means UK-flagged ships can continue to transit the vital shipping route without Royal Naval support.
An offer in early January of UK naval support for merchant ships transiting the Gulf area was voluntary, indicating a lower risk than expected.
On January 16 US authorities cancelled a security alert to shipping over possible retaliatory strikes by Iran in the Middle East but warned commercial vessels in the region to remain vigilant.
WOAC will review the UK risk rating at its July 2020 meeting.
WOAC is made up of Trade Unions Nautilus International and RMT, and the UK Chamber of Shipping.
Any members who are concerned about transiting the region should contact their industrial official before they travel by logging into My Nautilus or contact the union via its emergency helpline Nautilus 24/7.