The closing date for nominations for the 2021 Merchant Navy Medal is fast approaching and the Department for Transport is still inviting nominations.
A bit more about the Medal
This will be the 6th year that awards will be made for the Merchant Navy Medal for Meritorious Service State Award. The Medal is awarded for meritorious service where an individual has shown devotion to duty, exemplary service and been an outstanding example to others. To date, nearly 90 awards have been made and we are able to make up to 20 each year.
Nomination form and guidance
The guidance and nomination form can be found here on the GOV.UK website. It would be most helpful if forms and supporting letters can be email to MerchantNavyMedal@dft.gov.uk
Who can I nominate?
Awards are made to those who are serving or have served in the Merchant Navy and fishing fleets of the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Channel Islands and in 2020 we were successful in extending the eligibility criteria to include those serving in the British overseas territories.
If someone in your organisation meets this criteria and you feel they may make a worthy recipient, particularly in light of the enormous efforts we have seen over the past year by those working on the COVID-19 response, please submit a nomination.
Nominations are open to all irrespective of gender, service or positions held i.e. rating, officer, fisher or those ex seafarers now serving in other parts of the sector. They are also open to all ages, we have had recipients in their early 20s through to their late 90s.
Nomination tip
When completing a nomination form the most important thing to highlight is what is meritorious about the nominee's service and what have they done that is over and above the job they are paid to do. Make clear what added value have they shown including have they mentored and supported people, inspired young people, helped companies, actively worked with charities, been an exceptional leader, an example to others, brought about positive changes, improved safety, welfare, mental health, diversity – this list is not exhaustive but will give you a feel for the range of meritorious service we see. This information should be clear and upfront in the nomination, allowing the board to easily understand what is exceptional about the nominee.
The person you are nominating should not be told that they are being considered as there is no guarantee of success. You can consult anyone you need to about the nomination to obtain the information that you need, just explain that your conversations and correspondence are in confidence.
Please share
Please feel free to share this medal information with your colleagues, members, stakeholders, networks and anyone else that may be interested in putting forward a nomination.
If you have any questions please contact MerchantNavyMedal@dft.gov.uk.
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