Marine Society launches new online English language course for seafarers
12 August 2020

A new online course aimed at improving English language skills at sea has been launched by UK seafarers' charity The Marine Society.
English@Sea Plus aims to help international seafarers improve their standards in reading, writing, and listening the world's maritime language. It is designed for those who want to hone their skills in preparation for international English language exams, such as IELTS or Marlins.
The course is one of many on The Marine Society's Learn@Sea platform which also covers maths, geography, leadership, time management, slavery at sea and spreadsheets.
It costs £5.98 per month, with subscribers able to cancel at any time.
English@Sea Plus is packed with audio-visual content. It will help students learn more about grammar and understand how sentences break down.
By the end of the course participants will have analysed and practised:
- understanding the main points of sentences
- describing their experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions
- the most relevant grammar and vocabulary for fluent writing and speaking
The Marine Society's digital products manager Iffaf Khan said: 'English is the primary language on almost all vessels and effective communication is of vital importance. I believe that this course will give seafarers the opportunity to build their confidence when communicating with either ratings or officers.'
For more information about English@Sea Plus or other courses, visit the Marine Society/Learn at Sea platform.
The Nautilus Bookshop – run in conjunction with the Marine Society – offers some great maritime reads in English for all seafarers. Visit the Nautilus Bookshop to see the latest maritime releases.
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