Nautilus has issued refreshed guidance on seafarer employment agreements (SEA) to all members working in the superyacht industry.
The SEA guide is being provided to Union members and other industry contacts at the Nautilus stand at the Monaco Yacht Show, within the ACREW Lounge at La Rascasse.
Produced by the Union's legal department and designed to pre-empt any issues faced by members while working onboard superyachts, the guidance has been updated into an easy-to-access document for members to keep with them at all times.
Speaking to members at the Show, the Union's international organiser Danny McGowan said: 'All too often we see members approaching the Union with an employment issue, but their contract is either deficient or they don't have one at all.
'Members should keep this contract guidance to hand, particularly when seeking a new job, but should also encourage others to join Nautilus in advance of facing an issue that requires the Union’s unrivalled services. Joining us after an issue has occurred can mean that it is too late for us to be able to help.'
- for the most up to date advice from Nautilus on SEA contracts members should log in to My Nautilus/member resources.