Unions agree temporary pay reduction to preserve jobs at Princess and P&O Australia Cruise Lines
12 October 2020

Nautilus International and ITF-affiliated unions have informed Princess & P&O Australia Cruise Lines that their members are willing to accept a 12.5% pay reduction for five months, commencing from 1 October.
Most union members who were consulted agreed to accept the temporary measure, with 86% of Nautilus UK members voting in favour.
'I would like to thank members for their support, contributions and patience during these unprecedented times,' Nautilus national organiser Steve Doran said. 'It remains a difficult path that we are travelling along. However, the inter-union co-operation has been a positive development and with the goodwill and positive efforts made by many hopefully we can get through this and out the other side.'
Nautilus International and the other unions are now waiting for the appropriate addendum, which will apply the reduction equally irrespective of rank and nationality.
Princess and P&O Australia Cruise Lines is owned by Carnival Corporation & PLC, which suspended cruises in the Australia and New Zealand region due to Covid-19 and restrictions to control the spread of the virus. The corporation is looking to significantly reduce costs and preserve cash flow during the crisis.
'Let us hope that we return to sailings and some sort of post-pandemic normality as soon as possible, having helped protect jobs,' Mr Doran said.
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