Research into UK seafarers' experiences of sexual assault at sea continues
13 March 2024

A survey examining the extent to which UK seafarers and those who work aboard UK registered vessels are exposed to rape, sexual assault, stalking and sexual harassment, and similar offences has been relaunched.
Nautilus is supporting a collaborative project by the Safer Waves charity, psychology researchers at the University of Winchester carrying out the survey, and other organisations who provide support to survivors of sexual offences committed at sea. The findings will help to determine the required levels of support that might be required for UK seafarers.
A first survey was launched in 2023. The second survey extends the data gathering, which is the first stage of the project to better understand the extent to which offences are being committed at sea against UK seafarers.
UK seafarers eligible to take the survey include all those in the Merchant Navy who have worked at sea during the last five years, and/or any individual who has worked on any UK vessel within the last five years, including those with, and without, experience of these types of crime. This includes work on all types of merchant vessels, fishing vessels and private yachts. The survey excludes anyone currently a serving member of the UK military.
The views of those seafarers who have already completed the anonymous survey are appreciated and will be taken into account, but the researchers want to continue to hear from as many eligible seafarers as possible for the data to provide the most accurate picture.
Those who complete the survey will also be offered the opportunity to be entered into a draw to win one of 14 £100 vouchers if they provide an email address*.
Seafarers are urged to take the relaunched anonymous Sexual Assault at Sea survey as soon as possible.
*email addresses will be stored completely separately from survey data and will be used solely for the purposes of contacting those who are drawn to receive a voucher, and/or to provide those who have opted in with a summary of the survey’s findings. More on how the University processes personal data and sensitive personal data according to UK privacy rules is outlined in the survey.