Nautilus International offers discount rate for yacht members following Ukraine crisis
3 March 2022

Nautilus International is offering yacht professionals who join before the end of March more than 30% off a full membership for the first year, as the Union seeks to extend protection to more seafarers who are likely to have their work affected by the crisis.*
Yacht professionals can join the Union here.
Nautilus International is recognised as the international union for superyacht professionals by the International Labour Organization. Nautilus provides representation to all ranks and nationalities, including deck, engine, and interior crew, and country of residence does not affect eligibility for membership.
As a member you will receive legal support, expert advice, emergency help at any time of day via Nautilus 24/7, plus sea service verification with our Service Record Book. More information on membership benefits is available at our yacht hub.
The Union has experienced a very significant increase in number of enquiries regarding membership since the beginning of the conflict with Ukraine, as crew working aboard Russian-owned superyachts seek protection – in the event that the vessel is seized or their employer's assets are frozen, for example.
In addition, Nautilus will be running an online Q&A session to help yacht professionals understand the situation via the Union's Instagram channel, on Tuesday 8 March.
The session will cover the situation in Ukraine/Russia and how it affects superyacht crew.
Anyone is welcome to submit a question on the Instagram channel from 10am to 12am. Nautilus will begin posting answers on the channel from 3pm.
- The membership discount applies to those in superyacht sector who sign up for 12 months to a full Nautilus membership.
- Your Union membership begins from the date of application. We may not be able to provide advice or support for issues that occur prior to that date.
- Due to overwhelming number of new members signing up at the moment, it may take some time for your membership application to be processed. However, you will be covered from the date that you apply for membership, rather than from when we've processed your application.
- Due to a technical issue, our join page will not show the discounted rate. The one third discount will be applied after you have signed up and you will be billed for the correct, discounted, amount.
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