Nautilus International members employed by Caledonian MacBrayne Crewing (Guernsey) Ltd and Port workers employed by David MacBrayne working at CalMac Ferries have voted to accept the company's improved final offer on pay and conditions.
All employees will now receive as a minimum a 5.7% pay increase and port workers will receive between 7.4% and 7.7%. CalMac has also committed to increasing the period that employees on paternity leave will receive full pay from two weeks to four weeks.
Maximum company sick pay will now be available to employees after five years' service rather than ten.
'We are very pleased that our submission to improve sick pay provision for all employees was accepted by the management team during the negotiations,' said Nautilus head of industrial Micky Smyth. 'This will be welcomed by many members and is an excellent outcome negotiated by Nautilus International.’
'I wish to thank the liaison officer committee for their input before and during the negotiations.’