10 April 2025 10:00 - 11:30
Equality and Diversity Forum
Venue: Online. Membership event. Diary the date!

Date: Thursday 10 April
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: online
Are you interested in promoting an inclusive maritime workplace? You'll find like-minded people at the first Nautilus Equality and Diversity Forum of 2025 being held on Thursday 10 April 2025 so save the date!
It's a chance to discuss the big issues, network with fellow members and influence Union policy, with the main meeting enhanced by special breakout groups for women members, LGBT+ members and young maritime professionals.
Breakout groups for Pride, Women and Young Maritime Professionals also take place around the main EDF meeting. The meeting will be held online only.
Members who register will be sent the joining links for the online meeting
The EDF forum was launched at the Union's General Meeting in Rotterdam in October 2019, and acts as the overarching umbrella group for the original Women's Forum and Young Maritime Professionals Forum. It meets twice a year.
Social media
Members who have Facebook accounts can however keep in touch online via our social media accounts on Facebook, and LinkedIn. Female members can also join the Nautilus Women's Group. This Facebook group is for female members of the Union only. Members of the group will be invited to share stories on relevant issues, discuss the growing impetus to encourage more women into maritime industry, network and support each other. The group is in addition to the Young Maritime Professionals Facebook group which is also for members only.
The Union may also set up women members' and young maritime professionals' WhatsApp groups.
Members can express their interest in joining these chat groups or registering interest in attending the Forum by emailing the EDF secretary Danny McGowan dmcgowan@nautilustint.org.
Who to contact
Nautilus remains committed to having a dedicated female organiser available who can deal with any workplace issues or provide advice to members who wish to speak to a female representative. Please contact Rachel Lynch by emailing rlynch@nautilusint.org.
There is also a dedicated young members' organiser available who can deal with any workplace issues or provide advice to members who wish to speak to a younger union representative. Please contact Martyn Gray on mgray@nautilusint.org or YMP@nautilusint.org.